
SC1 / PC -
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC1 / PC - Emerging reader. Phonics need.
SC / PC 1-3
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC / PC 1-3 Transitioning reader. Word reading and comprehension below expectation.
SC 1-3 / PC 4+
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC 1-3 / PC 4+ Dependent reader. Reading is limited by vocablulary and syntax knowledge.
SC 4+ / PC 1-3
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC 4+ / PC 1-3 Dependent reader. Reading is limited by poor comprehension and/or fluency.
SC 4 / PC 6+
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC 4 / PC 6+ Growing independent reader. Vocabulary and syntax is weaker compared to comprehension skills.
SC 6+ / PC 4
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC 6+ / PC 4 Dependent reader. Reading is limited by comprehension skills.
SC and PC 5+ but SC is lower
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC and PC 5+ but SC is lower Growing independent reader. Reading is limited by vocabulary and syntax knowledge.
SC and PC 5+ but PC is lower
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC and PC 5+ but PC is lower Growing independent reader. Reading is limited by vocabulary and syntax knowledge.
SC / PC 4 or 5
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC / PC 4 or 5 Dependent reader. Reading is (just) within the expected range.
SC / PC 5+
Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension


SC / PC 5+ Independent reader. Understanding of vocabulary and syntax allows for good levels of comprehension and fluency.